
erm.........i don't know how to stat....... nvm

Capricorn - April 2009
Are Capricorns intense about love? It's only been a scant few months since Pluto moved into your sign, but you might already feel the changes that are coming. On April 2, when this mysterious little rock challenges the planet of love, a strongly held belief about how to manage a love affair is up for change. On April 9 the very social Libra Full Moon could compel you to be out in public with your sweetie, but then your new intense nature is prodding you into spending some quiet time within your own four walls. You could be torn between two instincts. On April 17 you receive a double whammy when Venus moves into direct motion and you spend some time sweet-talking your partner. The Quarter Moon on the same day is in Capricorn, and old control issues could kick in. As the month nears its end, the New Moon in sexy Taurus is in the house of romantic capers, and the two of you can openly express feelings without anyone losing an iota of control.

but ......harzzzzz think you guys know wad i am thinking... btw i am not ill now yeah...... hope no more rumos


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