it another day of kite flying day. everyear me and my cousin have kite flying day but this day the parent are the who fly the kite, wad for we go? haha but still la. sad sad i injurd my leg if not i can fly the kite lor. .-_-.
today have fu qi yo an kang....... harz math nah hua paper only score 68/100 i thought i can score higer.....if my papaer 1 got 30++ then maybe can get an A.....well today have not much to then
2day, PSLE english. easy? hmm... NO for me..... harz week in english hope can pass so won't...stay back.ya~ ho...good luck for 2moroll math.... aisyah...when u coming.... now 4.00pm le u are late!!!!! well not much to say...just...all the best for 2moroll ^^
there is good news and bad news..... the good news is....:so far i pass math chi and sci all get B which is good. and . the bad news is .....:i haven know my english marks!!OMG hope i can pass. and 2day,9/9/09 after school, keng kait,jing wei and aloy keep on saying that i am old and the worst thing is we say that i dyle my hair (old ppl white hair but mine black so...ya) and idk want happen to keng kiat, he spray water on me sia CB i also never do anything kao bei then the aloy also spray.last my skirt and book that i was carrying [twiling,form my cousin] got wet and you know wad happen keng kait spray water into my eyes.v.pain sia so tears strted coming out sry hor i can't control b coz whenever i wacth a part of a darma where someone die (good or bad ppl) or something sad happen i will strt to cry. thurs , i can't control.when i got back home my mother and farther strt nagging saying why my bag and skirt sooo wet i never reply them then they keep asking me why i cry. they ho...
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